Susie Smith
Susie P. Smith has directed Carolina Harmony Chorus since 1997. After winning the Novice Director Award in her first competition, she then went on to qualify as a Sweet Adelines Certified Director, and then as a Master Director when Carolina Harmony scored over 600 points at their Regional competition in 2015. She has directed the chorus to two International Small Chorus 2nd Place wins in addition to two Small Chorus International Championships!
Susie brings a rich background in music to her role as director. In addition to studying music in college, she has participated in choirs, bands, musical theater, and choruses for more than 45 years. Susie has a master's degree in teaching. She has worked as both a science teacher and a music teacher.
A member of Sweet Adelines since 1980, Susie has been an active quartet singer, competing many times in regional medalist quartets -- including four first place medals. She is also a popular coach for choruses and quartets throughout the Southeast.
To commemorate Susie's achievement as a master director, the chorus had a brick engraved in her honor at Sweet Adelines International's headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma.